The Zion Chronicles series covers the events surrounding Israel's statehood in 1948. Each book vividly portrays the intense struggle of the Jewish people in the aftermath of the Holocaust and the forces, within and without, which engulf the Middle East in conflict and controversy...
Eillie, a young American photojournalist, finds herself in Jerusalem in 1947. She unwittingly become a pawn in a political chess game when she photographs ancient scrolls discovered by Bedouins. Through it all, Ellie discovers a people, a spirit, and a person who profoundly change...
Eillie, a young American photojournalist, finds herself in Jerusalem in 1947. She unwittingly become a pawn in a political chess game when she photographs ancient scrolls discovered by Bedouins. Through it all, Ellie discovers a people, a spirit, and a person who profoundly change...