"Cracking dialogue, compelling illogic and unchained whimsy."--Sunday Times Movie mania sweeps across the Discworld creating disaster in its wake in this delightful take on Tinseltown and the lure of glamour, fame, close-ups, and big dreams from...
The alchemists of the Discworld have discovered the magic of the silver screen. But what is the dark secret of Holy Wood hill?
hardcover book
The alchemists of the Discworld have discovered the magic of the silver screen. But what is the dark secret of Holy Wood Hill? It's up to Victor Tugelbend ("Can't sing. Can't dance. Can handle a sword a little") and Theda Withel ("I come from a little town you've probably never...
The alchemists of the Discworld have discovered the magic of the silver screen. But what is the dark secret of Holy Wood Hill? It's up to Victor Tugelbend ("Can't sing. Can't dance. Can handle a sword a little") and Theda Withel ("I come from a little town you've probably never...