Behavioral decision research provides many important insights into managerial behavior. From negotiation to investment decisions, the authors weave behavioral decision research into the organizational realm by examining judgment in a variety of managerial contexts. Embedded...
Is your judgment influenced by personal biases? In situations requiring careful judgment, we're all influenced by our own biases to some extent. But, with Max Bazerman's Judgment in Managerial Decision Making, Sixth Edition, you can learn how to overcome those biases to make...
Behavioral decision research has developed considerably over the past 25 years, and now provides important insights into managerial behavior. Bazerman & Moore's Judgment in Managerial Decision Making, 7th edition embeds behavioral decision research into the organizational realm...
Author is a leading theorist in negotiation and decision-making.
Decision making plays a crucial role in managerial life. But too often, our decisions are clouded by personal biases and uncertainty. This brief book shows readers how to identify their own biases in order to make better decisions. Experimental in approach, the book teaches decision...
Cognitive and experimental in design, it explains decision making by having the reader respond to many decision items. Early chapters offer the opportunity to examine individual judgment and later ones provide a variety of interpersonal contexts that can affect judgment. This...
Author is a leading theorist in negotiation and decision-making.
This Second Edition explores behavioral decision research and the role decision making plays in the organization. Presenting new research insights in a very accessible form, early chapters provide readers with the opportunity to examine their individual judgment while later chapters...