His extraordinary debut, Those Across the River, was hailed as "genre-bending Southern horror" (California Literary Review), "graceful and] horrific" (Patricia Briggs). Now Christopher Buehlman invites readers into an even darker age-one of temptation and corruption, of war...
Corre el año 1348. Thomas, un caballero caído en desgracia, se encuentra con una niña desamparada en una aldea normanda reducida a cenizas. La pequeña, huérfana de la muerte negra y viva imagen de la inocencia, haciendo gala de un candor tan extremo que resulta inquietante, le...
"Buehlman...slips effortlessly into a different kind of literary sensibility, one that doesn't scrimp on earthy humor and lyrical writing in the face of unspeakable horrors."* The year is 1348. Thomas, a disgraced knight, has found an orphan of the Black Death in a Norman village...