Focusing on fossil-fueled, nonpolluting power generation systems, Zero Emissions Power Cycles presents alternative solutions to the severe emissions problems of power plants. Along with a description of new thermodynamic cycles and the results of computational analyses, this volume provides modern analytical tools and equations to evaluate exergy and introduce "currentology".
The authors explore various aspects of zero emissions power plant (ZEPP) technology, including carbon dioxide sequestration, ion transport, and oxygen enrichment. They show that ZEPP technology can:
Provide affordable, clean power to meet expanding energy demand Solve critical environmental problems, such as eliminating carbon dioxide and pollutant emissions Address energy security issues by supporting the use of diverse fossil fuels, including integrated coal gasification and pulverized coal combustion Ease the economic cost of sustainable energy supplies primarily through the use of cogenerated carbon dioxide for enhanced oil recoveryAddressing the significant human contribution to global warming, this book presents reasonable and effective approaches to minimize the harmful pollution that results from fossil fuel emissions. It shows how to create and operate ZEPPs, making our energy future clean, secure, and inexpensive.
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