A magical ocean adventure written + illustrated by Eve + Rett (Everett) Taylor, founders of Living Porpoisefully. This colorful picture book will quickly become a family favorite, especially for ages 4-8.
The rhyming story unfolds when a young boy named Zale finds a beautiful, violet pearl that sweeps him away into the ocean blue - as a sailfish
When the pearl slips from his grasp, Zale transforms (*POOF*) into ocean animals of 9 different kinds to find his prized pearl and his way home.
It's an exciting adventure that spans the undersea depths and reveals amazing sea life along the way. With brilliantly colored artwork that seems to pop off the page, the ocean and its animals come to life. Written and illustrated by a husband and wife team with a lifetime love of the ocean and 12+ years teaching ocean science. Visit their website LivingPorpoisefully.com for more of their books and fun ocean activities Ages 4-8.