I have nearly every book Burrall Paye has written about coaching basketball. Without a doubt his reputation, and his record, as a basketball coach are outstanding. His other books are excellent resources for coaches wanting to learn the x's and o's of the game. This book is a little different. It is not about x's and o's but how to teach skills and the game to young basketball players. If you have a basic understanding...
The drills in this book are well organized and laid out so that the beginning coach can use them from the 6 year old beginning player up to championship caliber high school squads. I have been coaching youth basketball for over 23 years and this is one of the best instruction manuals I have used. Outstanding.
I've coached my son's team for three years as a dedicated parent, but my b-ball drills have been re-treads of my old Jr. & Sr. High drills. I looked for a book for awhile before finding this one; it has given me many fun & challenging drills easy enough for 9 - 11 year old boys with variations that expand as their skill level increases. I'd think that this book would be adequate at least through Middle School age. Perhaps...
I was new to coaching youth basketball and needed ideas for drills. This book was helpful with drills as well as good diagrams and explanations.
This book is an excellent resourse for any coach. There is a chapter for each fundamental of the game. Each chaper has a nice progression of drills and a purpose behind each. Each individual drill has a referenced prerequisite section, a detailed break-down and diagram of the drill, and crucial teaching points as a ruberic. It also has a section to help you plan your practices for the entire season. I have read many books...