- Homeschooling girls, boys, large families, young children, and teenagers
- How to keep up with Homeschooling during pregnancy or with a new baby in the house
- How to involve fathrs
- How to encourage and balance your children's social lives
- How to Balance Confidence and Humility while teaching your children
- Making Homeschooling a prayerful endeavor
- How to deal with the emotional struggles of homeschooling
- And so much more (like how to avoid burnout, how to foster vocations, how to teach a child to read and write)
Your School of Love is lovingly written by a homeschooling mother, and will be your constant companion throughout your homeschooling years, both as a guide, a spiritual reference, and a helpful friend who knows what it's like to deal with the struggles of homeschooling, and also how to embrace the great joys.