8.5X11 Inches
120 Coloring Prompt Pages
YOUR Aura Workbook is for people who work with auras professionally or as a hobby, for example energy healers and new age therapists. Some spiritual philosophies believe auras are visible and in the right conditions, people can view or otherwise sense them.
YOUR Aura Workbook is designed to guide an aura reader through the process of reading the aura of a client or friend. The reader will color the auras surrounding the figure to represent the colors they see and there is space to record the predominant and secondary colors and what their intuition tells them about the meaning of those colors. There is also a graded arrow that can be colored to represent the overall sense they draw from the aura's energy. Is it cool and draining or warm and energizing, that is the question.
YOUR Aura Workbook could also be used for a person who is interested in studying their own aura in a mirror or by other means. They can track changes on a weekly, daily or monthly basis and this could be explored in a guided journal or customized planner.
There is also space to recommend particular gemstones/crystals and essential oils to a client, based on the readings of their aura. Chakras, aromatherapy and crystal healing may be further topics to explore for your own life or that of your client.
Includes YOUR Aura Workbook:
Energy Sensed
Subject's Mood
Reader's Mood
Predominant Color
Secondary Color
Recommended Gemstone
Recommended Essential Oils
Energy Healers
Spiritual Leaders
Reiki Healers
Divine Interventions
Alternative Medicine
Mystical Prayer Healers
Migraine Sufferers