In this his first book, Philip L Stephen tells the story of his life, a series of adventures spanning more than seventy-five years that takes readers on a journey from a childhood of poverty in Brooklyn, to the corner offices of multimillion-dollar companies, and finally to the halls of America's judicial system.
With his shocking connections to major underworld figures; captivating encounters and relationships with entertainment superstars, prominent political figures and legendary sports personalities; and extraordinary business successes and disappointments, Stephen's life story places him among some of the most fascinating characters of our time.
With a tenacious commitment to his aspirations, Stephen rose from the limited means of his childhood to attain the pinnacle of success in an extremely competitive industry. Yet in the autumn of his years, fraudulent actions perpetrated against him by the CFO of his company stripped him of most of his assets-and his faith in the American judicial system.
Never one to give up, Stephen tells his story with wit and wisdom in You Have Nothing to Worry About, reminding readers that tenacity, preparation, and fortitude can get you through a multitude of problems-even problems unjustly thrust upon you.