Do you love gardening? Is gardening your passion?
If so, then this lovely book is created just for you
In this 8.5" x 11" planner and logbook, you will be able to track and plan the following:
Garden Plot PlannerSquare Foot Garden PlannerMonthly Planting PlannerSeasonal Planting PlannerMonthly tasks (with calendar)Gardening BudgetGardening Shopping ListGardening ExpensesGardening Wish ListSupplier Contact ListIn the second half of the book, you can track and record the type of plants that you planted. Details that you can jot down include:
Common & Botanical NamePurchased At & PriceType (Annual, Perennial, Flower, Fruit, Shrub, Root, Vegetable, etc)Sunlight required (full, partial, shade)Date GerminatedDate PlantedLocation PlantedPlanting InstructionsWater requirementSize at maturityCare instructionsFertilizers / Soil Amendment / HerbicideHarvest / Bloom DatePests/ProblemsAnd so many more
There is space for you to place a picture or draw a sketch of your plant.
This wonderful gardening planner and logbook is a must-have for all gardening enthusiasts
So what are you waiting for?
Scroll up and purchase copies for yourself and your gardening buddies
This book also makes a perfect gift for your friends who love to garden.