A beautiful and dedicated young psychoanalyst is terrified to discover that her beloved sister is determined to marry one of the doctor's former patients, a man who conceals a dangerously jealous, obsessive nature, as well as a pattern of abuse, behind his charming and wealthy...
"The mistress of high tension" ( The New Yorker ) and undisputed Queen of Suspense Mary Higgins Clark brings us another New York Times bestselling novel that USA TODAY calls "her page-turning best" about a killer who targets lonely women on cruise ships, a masterful combination...
"The mistress of high tension" (The New Yorker) and undisputed Queen of Suspense Mary Higgins Clark brings us another New York Times bestselling novel that USA TODAY calls "her page-turning best" about a killer who targets lonely women on cruise ships, ...
"The mistress of high tension" (The New Yorker) and undisputed Queen of Suspense Mary Higgins Clark brings us another New York Times bestselling novel that USA TODAY calls "her page-turning best" about a killer who targets lonely women on cruise ships,...
From the #1 Name in Professional Certification Get on the fast track to becoming CompTIA A+ certified with this affordable, portable study tool. Inside, certification training expert Mike Meyers guides you on your career path, providing expert tips and sound advice along the...
Susan Chandler er v rt p? det popul re radioprogram "Sp rg doktor Chandler". Hun inviterer doktor Donald Richard i studiet for at h re, hvorfor nogle kvinder forsvinder og aldrig dukker op igen. F lles for kvinderne er, at de har f lt sig ensomme og har v ret om bord p? et krydstogtskib...