Yonnondio follows the heartbreaking path of the Holbrook family in the late 1920s and the Great Depression as they move from the coal mines of Wyoming to a tenant farm in western Nebraska, ending up finally on the kill floors of the slaughterhouses and in the wretched...
Yonnondio follows the heartbreaking path of the Holbrook family in the late 1920s and the Great Depression as they move from the coal mines of Wyoming to a tenant farm in Western Nebraska, ending up finally on the kill floors of the slaughterhouses and in the wretched...
"The story of the Holbrook family as they migrate from coal-mining town to farm to industrial city, struggling for a more tolerable existence. Their lives, made unforgettably real, reveal both the maiming power of circumstance and the sources of human endurance and hope ..."--P...
"The story of the Holbrook family as they migrate from coal-mining town to farm to industrial city, struggling for a more tolerable existence. Their lives, made unforgettably real, reveal both the maiming power of circumstance and the sources of human endurance and hope ..."--P...