Yogata means 'The Yoga Kata.'
Yoga is a method of increasing awareness, along with good health, through the seeking of stillness.
Karate is a method of increasing awareness, along with good health, through the seeking of stillness in motion.
Taken apart, they are half of a whole. But taken together, they result in half the study time and twice the benefits.
Yogata is guaranteed to bring you better health, increased flexibility and strength, rehabilitation from injury, resistance to mild illness and diseases of the body.
Yogata (The Yoga Kata) was designed by Al Case. It can be done before class, after class, for injury rehabilitation, and for all of the immense benefits of Yoga and the Martial Arts.
Al Case has nearly 50 years training in the martial arts, including such arts as Kenpo, Karate, Aikido, Wing Chun, Northern Shaolin Ton Toi, Southern Shaolin Fut Ga, Pa Kua Chang, Tai Chi Chuan and more. He is a writer for the martial arts magazines, and had his own column in Inside Karate. He is the originator of Matrixing and Neutronics. He has developed over a dozen martial arts video courses. He has also written over 25 novels and 15 martial arts training manuals.