October 7th has affected the sensibilities of the world. The incident was there to happen. We all knew sometime, somewhere it will; the perpetrators were not silent of their intentions.
A people just 0.2% of the world population, who have been continuously persecuted under some pretext, losing millions of their own, finally were 'given' a piece of land they rightfully owned before being thrown out in historic incidents, cannot live in solace which was now legally theirs.
Every human being in the world are enjoying some benefit from the various contributions of this people every day, in their homes, work places, businesses et-al, while they are living in fear and oppression constantly in their land.
My attempt in this book is to highlight how much this people have given to the world to make our lives and existence better, in the hope that those who favor terrorists and fundamentalist, should stop to think for a moment. I am very sure there will be some emotion of gratitude and desire to return some favor, by at least not accusing them and encouraging their enemies.
They have survived and preserved their identity and their soul over 4000 years. They will do it every day in the future. Maybe we cannot change what is happening there, as strong political and commercial interests benefiting from these incidents are at play. We can stand with them in solidarity by expressing our appreciation for who they are and what the world will continue to receive through their never ending work.
Samuel Martyn James