A Collection Of Poems - Paperback version with Full Color Image Overlays
"...and one day, the girl with the books became the one writing them..."
My sincere appreciation, as always, goes to Vijay Vaghela for his encouragement, professional formatting and artwork.My poetry collections would not be possible without his expertise and dedication
The following are collaborations with poets I admire, and who continue to inspire me with their excellent writing skills:
'Gears of Fear'
'One Day My Catalyst'
(c) Anthony M. Minutoli / Kim van Breda
'To Kill the Sky'
'We Digress'
(c) J.R. Thornton / Kim van Breda
'The Flame Inside Of Us'
(c) Kim van Breda / Max Lewy
'My Favorite Junkyard'
(c) Craig Cornish / Kim van Breda
My family continue to support me with their encouragement. I give Glory to God for His unconditional love and gifting me with a passion to write.
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