What is dead is never truly gone. When she embarks on a rescue mission in an abandoned lab, the last thing Kate Lewis expects is for a long dead Xian Warrior to rise from his ashes. Then he claims she's his soulmate. Although she doesn't doubt his sincerity, Kate...
What is dead is never truly gone. When she embarks on a rescue mission in an abandoned lab, the last thing Kate Lewis expects is for a long dead Xian Warrior to rise from his ashes. Then he claims she's his soulmate. Although she doesn't doubt his sincerity, Kate...
Lo que est muerto nunca desaparece del todo. Cuando ella se embarca en una misi n de rescate en un laboratorio abandonado, lo ltimo que Kate Lewis espera es que un Guerrero Xian muerto desde tiempo atr s resurja de sus cenizas. Acto seguido, l afirma que ella...