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0 - 2 Years 13 - 17 Years 9 - 12 Years Classics Fiction Literature & Fiction RomanceWhile the book differs somewhat from the movie, it is worth reading if you're a fan of Poltergeist! The way the family meets Tangina is very different from the movie and you also get to read about her astral confrontation with "The Beast"! A deleted scene that can be seen in the orignal trailer for the movie is explained in great detail, as well as the way one of the ending scenes was shot differently! It is also explained...
This is a chilling read!! James Khan has fashioned a tight frightening text based on this film's screenplay. I felt it was excellently well written and expanded upon. It can be very hard to find this book but if you can find it, read it!!! It's great!
Rarely does a book written from a screenplay turn out better than this. Kahn's imagination expanded and expounded on what was a visual treat with the movie into something mind numbingly surreal in the written word. This book stands on it's own in so many ways. Steve and Diane Freeling live an ideal life, Steve with a good job in a booming real estate economy and Diane a stay-at-home mother of three. But there's something...
Books are usually better than movies. The same can be said for this one, but not by much. The book added some much needed depth that the film should have used. Another level of creepiness, this time seen from the other realm and it's ghosts. The film did a great job of keeping it's viewers creeped out with all the horror, ghosts and kidnapping of a Carol Anne. Good special effects, even for an early 1980's film. The crawling...
This is a great book. It really caught me with the scenes about paranormal activity and creatures appearing from nowhere, different realms, parapsychology, you name it. It is a great book and I urge you to get a copy if you can.
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Hello Boils and Ghouls! The Thrift Keeper here (named for my devilish ability to find the Best Bargains among Blood-Curdling titles!), and now that the most horrifying of all possible holidays is over (Valentine's Day—YUCK!), I'd like to help re-darken your horizons by talking about Romance Gone Wrong!
With last year's publication of Midnight Sun and Netflix's recent release of the Twilight movies, the popularity of the Twilight Saga is resurging. Here are seven fun facts about the books and movies that may surprise you.
On this date in 1595, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet was first performed (not officially published until 1597). Although the renowned tragedy was by no means the first literary story of doomed love, it coined the phrase "star-cross'd lovers" and continues to inspire heartbreaking sagas even today.