The perfect companion to the adult picture book, WTF DUCK: Why The Frown? Sarcasm shines in this journal allowing you to get WTF - Why The Frown moments out of your head before you quack up. Bonus: Five coloring pages featuring the scene sketches from WTF DUCK: Why The Frown? 100+ snarky and hilarious prompts to journal about:
frustrationinsanitydramadrinkingkarmaso much moreThe journal also includes inspirational and thought-provoking prompts.
Perfect for people who:
love to laughare a bit snarkylike to journalare fun-lovingget sarcasmare frustrated with stupidfind humor in ridiculousare fed up with adultingEveryone should have people in their life who love to laugh. Perhaps you know someone who needs this journal? Adulting is a trap and isn't all it's quacked up to be.