Covering both theoretical and practical approaches, Writing the Research Paper guides students studying in English as a foreign language through the skills necessary for success in university-level writing and research. Emphasising the role of technology throughout, the book begins with theoretical considerations, such as research, argumentation and critical thinking, before offering a broad range of practical assistance covering all aspects of the writing process, including topic selection, organisation, structure and word choice. Each chapter is accompanied by a 'Writing with Style' section, tackling a particular issue in depth to build up the components that give papers a sense of professionalism, alongside chapter summaries, exercises and quizzes.
Written for an international audience, but with a particular focus on students from or studying in Asia, the Middle-East and North Africa, the book contains thorough explanations and discussions from these contexts, alongside numerous authentic examples of student writing from a range of relevant disciplines, such as engineering, architecture, business, and computer science. The book is also supported by a Companion Website, offering additional exercises, examples, lecture slides and an introduction to computational tools.