Writers Have No Age: Creative Writing for Older Adults, Second Edition is a book for writers by writers. Unlike the first edition, which was aimed at teachers of writing, this edition is aimed at writers themselves. This book will help older writers value themselves and their potential, and increase the pleasure and satisfaction found in writing. It provides both information and inspiration gained from the authors' own writing lives and from observation of their students that will help boost writing confidence.
Write your way to successat any age! We who come to writing do not have to be convinced that there are rewards in store for us. We sense good things ahead and believe in writing's benefits. In this book we have put together some of our own best writing and teaching ideas to help you enjoy the re-creation and stimulation of writing, whatever your age. Older writers though we are, we do get better at it all the time.Writers Have No Age is a valuable tool for anyone in (or just getting started in) the writing field. Not only will this book help beginners sharpen their writing skills, but it will also help those who have written professionally or personally to reach a wider audience. Add this book to your collection today, and write your way to success!