Pulsipher's World Regional Geography shows the rich diversity of human life and demystifies global issues by representing the daily lives of men, women, and children in the various regions of our globe. The eighth edition continues to make these global issues accessible to students...
Chacterizing global issues through the daiy lives of individuals helps World Regional Geography enables you to better grasp circumstances affecting regions around the world such as environment; gender and population; urbanization; globalization and development; and power and...
Like no other textbook, Pulsipher and Pulsipher's World Regional Geography humanizes geographical issues by representing the lives of women, men, and children in various regions of the globe. It makes global patterns of trade and consumption meaningful for students by gauging...
Pulsipher's World Regional Geography puts people into the world geographic landscape, showing students how individuals are affected by, and respond to, economic, social, and political forces at all levels of scale: global, regional, subregional, local. It offers a vivid and inclusive...