If you want to get even more from the original work by Ms. Hollis, then you'll want to have this workbook by your side. We've designed this workbook to help you personalize the lessons presented by Rachel Hollis in Girl Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals.
And we've made it "newbie friendly", so it's easy to follow and understand.
Studies have shown that writing something out helps it sink in better so we remember and act on it.
This workbook is unique because it contains the complete forms needed to create your own road map to your goal. All you have to do is fill them in with your own details. This is a HUGE bonus.
Plus you'll also find:
★✓ Practical worksheets to further your understanding of what you learn in Ms. Hollis original work.
★✓ Exercises that can be used alone or with a group for further support and help.
★✓ Each chapter distilled down with bulleted key points.
And much more
So don't wait to start pulling it together.
Grab this workbook today. Because you deserve a fresh start to self-confidence and inner growth.Disclaimer: This is an unofficial workbook. This workbook is meant to accompany the original work for your further edification and application and is not meant to replace the original work. This workbook has not been authorized, approved, licensed or endorsed by the original book's author or publisher and any of their licensees or affiliates. Readers are encouraged to purchase the original work by Ms. Hollis along with this workbook.