Poetry is nothing, but the wordings of heart, always hard to find. These are poems written from deep within my heart. That's how the title came for this book ""Wordings of Heart"". The Book has words conveying emotions in poetic way, which you might relate too. Many of us have faced a situation where we want to express ourself when heartbroken but we are just not able to. At times we are afraid to express and sometimes we don't have proper words to speak about it. Our heart starts feel that heaviness and load. Just let the words flow from your heart. This Book contains that emotions that are left unspoken inside the heart. Letting emotions suppress within really feels painful. Here in this book, I releases all my thoughts that are trapped within and put those words to paper to share with you. I wrote this book during the times in life when felt most alone. And every poem is the outcome of emotion felt at that very moment. I hope! you as reader enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.
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