This is a charming and brand new story from an accomplished professional writer which can be read on many levels.
On one level, it's just a delightful story specially created for bedtime reading, a magical-realist fable about a little girl and her dog who cook up a scheme to encourage her Mum and Dad to remember how they used to play with her before she got a little older.
On another level, the book consciously encourages open dialogue between parents and their children, modelling healthy psychological behaviours, and ensuring a free flow of affection and information in both directions.
And on yet another level, it is simply a beautifully illustrated top quality hardbound book richly illustrated with original watercolours from an up-and-coming young artist who perfectly captures the emotions in the story in more than a dozen original artworks rendered in glorious colours. A book that will be treasured for years as joy to be enjoyed just for itself.