Woody and Little Pip, the acorn children, begin an adventure flying through the air on an autumn leaf. When they don't come home their friend Hazel sets off to find them. This delightful autumn story by the world-renowned Swedish author--illustrator Elsa Beskow charmingly...
This delightful Fall story describes the woodland adventures of two acorn children who get carried away by the blustery wind. Mr Squirrel and Hazel, the youngest Hazelnut child, go off in search of them and encounter a grumpy troll and the Chestnut boys along the way.
This delightful autumn story describes the woodland adventures of two acorn children who get carried away by the blustery autumn wind.Mr Squirrel and Hazel, the youngest Hazelnut child, go off in search of them and encounter a grumpy troll and the Chestnut boys along the way...
This delightful Fall story describes the woodland adventures of two acorn children who get carried away by the blustery wind. Mr Squirrel and Hazel, the youngest Hazelnut child, go off in search of them and encounter a grumpy troll and the Chestnut boys along the way.