Learn and Practice Proven multiple choice strategies for Reading Comprehension, Word Problems and Basic Math!
If you are preparing for the WONDERLIC(R), you probably want all the help you can get! WONDERLIC(R) Test Strategy is your complete guide to answering multiple choice questions!
You will learn:
Multiple choice strategies and practice questions for basic math, reading comprehension and word problems.
Wonderlic is a registered trademark of Wonderlic Personnel Test, Inc., who are not involved in the production of, and do not endorse this product.
Includes over 200 practice questions! Once you learn our powerful multiple choice strategy techniques, practice them right away on reading comprehension, basic math and word problems!
Also included is How to Take a Test - The Complete Guide
Let's face it: test-taking is really not easy! While some people seem to have the natural ability to know what to study, how to absorb and retain information, and how to stay calm enough while actually taking a test to earn a great score, most of us find taking tests to be sheer misery. This is one of the most important chapters! Here you will find out:
Remember it only a few percentage points divide the PASS from the FAIL students.
Why not do everything you can to increase your score?