Over 250,000 Copies Sold Now Includes Brand-New Study Questions for Each Chapter "A must-read for every woman interested in teaching and leading Bible discussion groups in your church."
Nancy Guthrie, author,...
Todos sabemos que es importante estudiar la Palabra de Dios. Sin embargo, a veces es dif cil saber d nde comenzar. Adem s, la falta de tiempo, la experiencia de estudiar por motivaci n emocional y las frustraciones del pasado pueden socavar nuestra determinaci n para seguir creciendo...
Over 250,000 Copies Sold We all know it's important to study God's Word. But sometimes it's hard to know where to start. What's more, a lack of time, emotionally driven approaches, and past frustrations can erode our resolve...
A popular Bible teacher offers practical guidance and helpful tips for women who want to go deeper in their study of the Bible and learn how to teach others to do the same.
Todos sabemos que es importante estudiar la palabra de Dios. Sin embargo, a veces es dif cil saber d nde comenzar. Adem s, la falta de tiempo, la experiencia de estudiar por motivaci n emocional y las frustraciones del pasado pueden socavar nuestra determinaci n para seguir...