Chris Claremont and Frank Miller's character-defining Wolverine tale Logan's vacation from the X-Men is interrupted when he discovers that his beloved, Mariko Yashida, has been married off by her criminal father Lord Shingen When Shingen humiliates Wolverine in front of Mariko,...
Wolverine's vacation from the X-Men is interrupted when he discovers that his beloved, Mariko Yashida, has been married off by her criminal father Lord Shingen When Shingen humiliates Wolverine in front of Mariko, the hero loses heart, drowning his sorrows in beer, bar fights...
The master of mutants joins the master of ninjas in Wolverine's first solo series - replete with romance, intrigue and mayhem! Our beleaguered berserker's in Japan on a mission of the heart, if he can survive the Hand first! Plus: the introduction of everyone's favorite riotous...