"Wizards Warp: Journey up the Maze Beanstalk" is the second Volume in the highly Imaginative and fantastical Maze Puzzle Book Adventure series. Completing each maze progresses you forward on an epic journey to rescue the Wizards Daughter who has been snatched up by evil Giants. Each maze has hidden items, such as keys to open doors or magical warp crystals to collect along your journey. Some mazes have multiple exits to take your journey on an alternate path. In the Magical world of Cadabria you never know what may lie on the next page, will it be a calm sail accros the sea or a giant 3 headed vulture waiting to have you for lunch. There are multiple ways to enjoy your Adventure in Cadabria, so be Brave! be Strong! It is time to enter the WIZARDS WARP! Portal to Maze World! Volume02 Jouney up the Maze Beanstalk.