A diverse collection of flash fiction, short stories, and poetry, Wither and Bloom explores the choice to love through trials and storms in all seasons of life-from new loves, lives built together, and long-lasting romances, to platonic love between family, friends, and strangers.
Within these pages, you'll be swept off your feet and transported to the worlds of...
A man and his wife who turned into vampires at age eighty-five. An EMT who chooses to save a child despite the life-altering consequences. A fae who doesn't take kindly to an arranged marriage with a human prince. The children that throw wrenches into even the most stable relationships.The man made of stone who falls in love with a woman that has her own stone walls. The post-it notes that keep spouses tethered during their busy lives.
In the midst of diagnoses, loss, misunderstandings, hurt, and everyday wear and tear, love is a daily choice.