"Foster may not be as dangerous as the Wolf, but he is a sly old fox nevertheless, and I want him caught," the king instructed the young knight standing before him. "He has cheated several old widows out of their homes, and to my mind that makes him the worst of thieves. It should not be too difficult to apprehend him alone, Sir Noble. The old man is no swordsman. His weapon is his tongue. You will not find a more cunning liar and cheat in all the kingdom. In fact, that is how he escaped the knights who were bringing him in-not by weapons, but by his lies and trickery. If you catch him, he will not so easily deceive you, I am sure."
Noble is disappointed that he is not to ride out with the other knights after the kingdom's most dangerous criminal, the Wolf, and his gang, but instead is going on his own after an old man. Without complaint, however, he plunges out into the bitter cold of the worst winter in memory. It does not take long to find the old scoundrel in the village of Aber, but blizzards block the way back to Caernarfon and the dungeons awaiting Simon Foster. While they wait to make their journey Noble is dismayed to discover his prisoner has more than one or two nasty tricks up his sleeve
To make matters worse, the eerie howling of wolves bring childhood fears rushing back. They seem to haunt his dreams and even his footprints in the snow. Noble pushes on, putting his trust in God and allowing nothing to prevent him from carrying out his duty. He finds help from the people of Aber, and in turn helps them in their greatest hour of need when wolves-both the four-footed sort and those walking on two feet-surround them all.
Winter of the White Wolf is the fourth book in the Noble Heart series. Once again we see Noble step out in faith and with courage to do the king's will-and the will of His Heavenly Father, as well. As young Sir Noble follows God, he becomes a leader of men and an example of strength and valor. Noble's journey to maturity continues throughout the series of books as he seeks to follow and trust God through every test and trial that comes his way. The stories are not only entertaining and exciting, full of adventure and mystery-but they are encouraging, as well, meant to inspire and influence young people in their own life journeys.
Parents can expect good, wholesome literature in the Noble Heart series-upholding godly values without excessive violence, bad language, the occult, immoral conduct or disobedience to authority. Whether read alone or as a family, these books will uplift and nurture all.
Cover art beautifully done by Sarah Lowe.
Other books in the Noble Heart series:
Flight of the FalconQuest for the KingdomShadow of the Dark KnightSea of HonorValley of ValorA Hero's Heart