Winning the Wilderness by Margaret Hill McCarter is a historical fiction novel set in the late 18th century. The story follows the journey of a young couple, Jonathan and Jeanie, as they leave their comfortable life in Virginia to settle in the wilderness of Kentucky. They are...
Winning the Wilderness by Margaret Hill McCarter is a historical novel set in the late 18th century in the American frontier. The story follows the journey of a young couple, Jonathan and Jeanie Blair, who leave their comfortable life in Virginia to settle in the wilds of Kentucky...
Reproduction of the original: Winning the Wilderness by Margaret Hill McCarter
Reproduction of the original: Winning the Wilderness by Margaret Hill McCarter
Margaret Hill McCarter (May 2, 1860 - August 31, 1938) was an American teacher and novelist. Margaret became a writer in 1901; contributing articles for newspapers and magazines. Her first novel, The cottonwood's story was published in 1903. She became the best known and highest...