"William" is a 1925 novel written by E. H. Young. Set in post-WWI England, it is the story of a father and his efforts to care for and aid his children throughout their lives. A charming tale of family togetherness in the face of adversity, "William" would make for a worthy addition...
He was in the presence of stranger...some one hard and inflexible, who surely had not borne his lovely daughter. For years William and Kate have made a ritual of her birthday. Yet now that their children are adults, this gathering of the family offers Kate little comfort. Their...
William Nesbitt, einst Kapit n zur See, genie t sein Leben als erfolgreicher Reeder von Ausflugs- und Frachtdampfern in der alten Handelsstadt Radstowe. Er blickt mit Stolz und Neugier auf seine Familie und sein sch nes Heim und empfindet jeden Tag als Abenteuer. Als jedoch seine...