William Jordan, Junior (1907) is a novel written by John Collis Snaith. The story is set in the early 20th century and follows the life of the titular character, William Jordan Jr. William is the son of a wealthy businessman and is expected to follow in his father's footsteps...
William Jordan, Junior is a novel written by John Collis Snaith and published in 1907. The story is set in the early 20th century and follows the life of the titular character, William Jordan, Junior. William is the son of a wealthy businessman and is expected to follow in his...
William Jordan, Junior is a novel written by John Collis Snaith and published in 1907. The book follows the story of William Jordan, the son of a wealthy businessman who inherits his father's fortune after his death. William is a young man who is not content with his life and...
A charming and witty novel of love and intrigue in late 19th century London, this book follows the adventures of the eponymous hero as he navigates the treacherous waters of high society and courtship. Filled with memorable characters and sparkling dialogue, this novel is...
A charming and witty novel of love and intrigue in late 19th century London, this book follows the adventures of the eponymous hero as he navigates the treacherous waters of high society and courtship. Filled with memorable characters and sparkling dialogue, this novel is...