Let's get you started
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, this guidebook is written for you Like you, there are millions of people worldwide who are looking for a new path in Wicca or cannot find a spiritual conviction in their former religions. Some are interested in one or two practices peculiar to Wicca such as the festivals and rituals and want to break free from the constraints imposed on them by other religious groups and embrace the individuality that Wicca gives. In essence, more and more persons, and that includes you, are beginning to seek spiritual fulfillment in the neopagan religion, so you are not alone in this. However, it is not enough to simply make the decision. You also need to start on the right foot, and this is where Wicca for Beginners: Candle Magic, Crystal Magic, Herbal Magic, Moon Spells and Wicca Spells comes in handy.
In this reader-friendly guidebook, you will learn:
All you need to be a Witch
What it means to be Wiccan
How to harness your magickal powers
How to build a rewarding relationship with nature
The core truths about Wicca nobody ever told you
How to commune effectively with the supernatural realm
The afterlife of a Wiccan
And much more vital information needed to make your Wiccan journey a fulfilling one.
With Wicca for Beginners: Candle Magic, Crystal Magic, Herbal Magic, Moon Spells and Wicca Spells in your hand, you have found yourself a worthy companion all through your Wiccan journey. Buy now, and you will be grateful you did.