A lonely little mouse has to be resourceful to bring his family back together. In a series of delightfully imaginary achievements, "nobody's mouse" transforms himself into the beloved hero of his mother, father, sister, and brand-new baby brother. In their...
A lonely little mouse has to be resourceful to bring his family back together. In a series of delightfully imaginary achievements, "nobody's mouse" transforms himself into the beloved hero of his mother, father, sister, and brand-new baby brother. In their...
Robert Kraus poses some leading questions and skillfully guides "Mouse" to answers that culminate in a decidedly satisfying ending. Mouse's experience unfolds with the validity and charm of a nursery rhyme, and his reaction to one of childhood's harsher experiences will add gayety...
A small mouse, feeling desolate, imagines that each member of his family is in a dangerous situation
A lonely little mouse has to be resourceful to bring his family back together. In a series of delightfully imaginary achievements, "nobody's mouse" transforms himself into the beloved hero of his mother, father, sister, and brand-new baby brother. In their very first collaboration,...