In this provocative book, writer, and cultural critic Tour explores the concept of Post-Blackness: the ability for someone to be rooted in but not restricted by their race. Tour begins his book by examining the concept of "Post-Blackness," a term...
A provocative look at what it means to be Black today. It includes excerpts from over 100 interviews with Rev. Jesse Jackson, Cornel West, Skip Gates, Melissa Harris-Perry, Kara Walker, Kehinde Wiley, Glenn Ligon, Malcolm Gladwell, Paul Mooney, NY Gov David Paterson, Harold...
A provocative look at what it means to be Black today. It includes excerpts from over 100 interviews with Rev. Jesse Jackson, Cornel West, Skip Gates, Melissa Harris-Perry, Kara Walker, Kehinde Wiley, Glenn Ligon, Malcolm Gladwell, Paul Mooney, NY Gov David Paterson, Harold...