Time Is Running Out In Two Realities. In one world, a lethal virus threatens to destroy all life as scientists and governments scramble to find an antidote. In the other, a forbidden love could forever destroy the ragtag resistance known as The Circle. Thomas...
"Never break The Circle." In this final installment of Ted Dekker's groundbreaking Circle trilogy, Thomas Hunter has only days to survive two separate realms of danger, deceit, and destruction. The fate of both worlds hinges on his unique ability to shift realities through...
Nunca rompa el c rculo.
En esta tercera parte de la innovadora Serie del c rculo, Thomas Hunter s lo tiene d as para sobrevivir en dos mundos diferentes, llenos de peligro, enga o y destrucci n. El destino de ambos mundos depende de su...
"Never break The Circle." In this final installment of Ted Dekker's groundbreaking Circle trilogy, Thomas Hunter has only days to survive two separate realms of danger, deceit, and destruction. The fate of both worlds hinges on his unique ability to shift realities through his...