Where Faith & Family Meet, a three-year weekly family devotional based on the Revised Common Lectionary, is designed to help families share their faith and explore how Bible stories intersect with stories in their own lives.
Each devotion is divided into three sections, "Your Story," "My Story and the Bible Story," and "Discussion and Prayer," and will guide families to a deeper understanding of how God is working in their lives and how these Bible stories are still relevant for us today.
Rev. Jessica Asbell is the Minister to Children and Families at First Baptist Roswell, where she has been serving since 2012. She has written the children's curriculum for Smyth & Helwys's Annual Bible Study for the books of Daniel; Ezekiel; Luke; Jonah; 1 Corinthians; 1, 2, 3 John and Jude; Colossians; and The Story of Israel's Ancestors: Living toward a Promise. She has also written for CBF's Spark and Form and for Affect in CBF's fellowship magazine. Married to Jonathan Oravec, Jessica reads every chance she gets.
Praise for Where Faith & Family Meet
"Parents will find this resource useful as a springboard for telling their own stories to their children and for reinforcing the church's journey through the seasons of our faith." -Ruth Sprayberry DuCharme, Associate Pastor of Faith Formations for Families, Highland Hills Baptist Church, Macon, Georgia
"The framework of intertwining the stories of Scripture with the shared stories of our lives and the invitation to ask questions and reflect together provides a beautiful opportunity for families to connect more deeply on this wondrous journey of life and faith." -John Carroll, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Danville, Virginia