The legacy of the "Queen of Suspense" continues with the highly anticipated follow-up to Mary Higgins Clark's iconic novel Where Are the Children?, featuring the children of Nancy Harmon, facing peril once again as adults. Of the fifty-six bestsellers the...
The legacy of the "Queen of Suspense" continues with the highly anticipated follow-up to Mary Higgins Clark's iconic novel Where Are the Children?, featuring the children of Nancy Harmon, facing peril once again as adults. Of the fifty-six bestsellers the...
"More than four decades since readers first met Nancy Harmon and her children, comes the thrilling sequel to the groundbreaking book that set the stage for future generations of psychological suspense novels. A lawyer turned successful podcaster, Melissa has recently married...
The legacy of the "Queen of Suspense" continues with the highly anticipated follow-up to Mary Higgins Clark's iconic novel Where Are The Children?, featuring the children of Nancy Harmon, facing peril once again as adults. Of the fifty-six bestsellers the...
" The legacy of the "Queen of Suspense" continues with the highly anticipated follow-up to Mary Higgins Clark's iconic novel Where Are the Children?, featuring the children of Nancy Harmon, facing peril once again as adults. Of the fifty-six...