Things change when you get a new baby in the family. You have to share Mommy and Daddy's lap ... and even your toys. But there's lots of things you can show your new baby ... like how to play hide and seek and peek-a-boo ... even how to run through the sprinkler. After all, there are tons of things that you can do now; it's time to teach them to your new baby.
In this spare but effective text, author Sharon Jennings shows how to accentuate the positive for preschoolers who have - or will have - a young sibling. Jennings quickly shifts the responsibilities from the dreaded Sharing to the much more enticing prospect of Showing (with a little bit of showing off) all the skills that the older one has mastered. Artist Joanne Fitzgerald's lively watercolor characters are an irresistible combination of sweetly passive and ever-so-slightly domineering.