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6 - 8 Years 9 - 12 Years Children's Children's Books Classics Literature & Fiction PoetryWinnie-the-Pooh Day is coming up on January 18, commemorating the 1882 birthday of author A. A. Milne. Adding to the celebration, this year marks a century since the publication of the first Winnie-the-Pooh story. Here are some of the sweet ways you could celebrate.
It's interesting to look back at pop culture that withstands the test of time. It's time for our annual roundup of some of the enduring titles hitting the one hundred mark this year. Here are ten memorable books published in 1924.
From his humble beginnings in a poem and then a children's story to his starring role in a mega Disney franchise to Novel Knockout champion, kind-hearted Winnie the Pooh has brought joy and comfort to generations of readers and viewers.