Le n Borenstein was born on April 11th, 1960 in Mexico. His first years in school were spent in La Salle in Acapulco, followed by high school in Puebla. He attended the Ludwig Maximilian Universitaet, Universita Degli Studi Di Firenze, La Sorbonne in Paris, and Cornell University in Ithaca. He has worked for Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinsky in Germany, Villa La Masa in Italy, world famous Le Moulin de Mougins, Concorde Lafayette in Paris, Westin Hotels and Resorts, Las Brisas in Acapulco, Las Hadas in Mexico among others, and now he lives and works in Miami Beach. Le n speaks six languages. He loves golf, sailing and padel and has five children: Michelle, Alex, Ricardo, Rene, and little Sefi. His passion for writing is endless and his goal is to touch as many people's hearts as possible. His next projects for late 2020 are two new novels: "In Candela" (On Fire) and "Wu Wei Tsi" (Let it Come to You). They will have you in suspense from beginning to end.
Spanish (Version)
Le n Borenstein naci el 11 de abril de 1960 en Mexico. Estudio la primaria y secundaria en el Colegio La Salle de Acapulco, seguido por su preparatoria en la Ciudad de Puebla. Su preparaci n superior se llevo a cabo en Ludwig Maximillian Universitaet, Universita Degli Studi Di Firenze, La Sorbonne in Paris, and Cornell University in Ithaca. Ha trabajado en Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinsky en Alemania, Villa La Masa en Italia, el Famoso Le Moulin de Mougins, Concorde Lafayette en Paris, Westin Hotels and Resorts, Las Brisas en Acapulco, Las Hadas en Manzanillo entre otros, y ahora vive y trabaja en Miami Beach. Leon habla seis idiomas, le gusta jugar golf, vela y padel. Tiene 5 hijos: Michelle, Alex, Ricardo, Rene, y la peque a Sefi. Su passion por escribir no tiene fin y su meta as tocar los corazones y las vidas de la mayor gente possible. Para el 2020 tiene programado terminar dos novelas, "En Candela" y "Wu Wei Tsi" (Deja Que llegue a ti), Que los mantendr n en suspenso de principio a fin.