"Tell me a story, Daddy... about when God was a little girl." Susanna's playful request begins a whimsically profound tale woven between father and daughter. Together they retell the familiar story of creation, but with unexpected twists and insightful turns along the way. The...
"Tell me a story, Daddy... about when God was a little girl." Susanna's playful request begins a whimsically profound tale woven between father and daughter. Together they retell the familiar story of creation, but with unexpected twists and insightful turns along the way. The...
"Tell me a story, Daddy . . . about when God was a little girl." Susanna's playful request begins a whimsically profound tale woven between father and daughter. This imaginative retelling of creation sparkles with joy, its words and images offering gentle wisdom and genuine insight...
Spanish-language edition of the multiple-award-winning children's book "When God Was a Little Girl".
"Tell me a story, Daddy...about when God was a little girl." Susanna s playful request begins a whimsically profound tale woven between father and daughter. Together they...