This publication of When Did You Find Out humbly identifies and holds the human beings who took the time to unveil the intimate stories of their true encounters of self-awareness. Each one of the contributors willingly made amends and by doing this, is able to be a part of the betterment of humanity. Acknowledging this is important, because this is where all the transparencies lie. With this exposure brings forth each contributor's brutal deep seeded truth. At some point in each of their lives, the deception of this thing called 'RACE', was instilled in their psyche. Albeit, unbeknownst to each one of them, yet the revelation is a testament to this offering.
A multicultural group of incarcerated men, from various ethnicities, sexual preferences, and different ages tell the stories of when they found out their pre-prescribed race. It's a psychological picture of how these men not only come to learn their identity, but also formulate how they would interact with others. These men all show that one is not born a racist. It is a learned behavior. Not only are racist acts hurtful, they change the course of humanity.The introduction to race and the discrimination that followed infiltrated their train of thought, with unbridled awareness. In the end, each contributor used vulnerabilities to assist with breaking through the barriers of the misguided information that each one of them had been continuously subjected to.
As each of the contributors had to come to realization, we ask you the reader the question, "When did you find out?"