If you're looking for ways to get past self-limiting beliefs, this is the book for you.
Brian Crawley is a top-producing realtor (real estate agent), as well as a renowned productivity life and business coach. He has created a point-by-point system for growing your business by expanding your thinking and improving your point of view. Here in Realtors: What's Holding You Back Is You, Brian explains why you're not doing as well as you could be, whether you're a realtor or other type of businessperson.
He trains you to think bigger than you ever dared. He shows you how to create a specific plan of action for building and maintaining client relationships, so that you never lack for sales opportunities. What's more, he provides you with specific methods for organizing your workday so you can work far more effectively and efficiently. He trains you in his foolproof processes that ensure you don't miss out on important client details or on important sales opportunities. And he takes you by the hand and shows how to develop your friendships with your clients so that they also help your business grow -- and vice-versa.
Brian is a twofer: He will not only improve your business (and, more specifically, your real estate business), but your life, too."Realtors: What's Holding You Back Is You is likely to become the Must Have How-To Guide, not only for real-estate agents, but for salespeople of all sorts who want to become more efficient, more productive, and MUCH more successful.
Brian Crawley helps you to dream big -- and he actually walks you through his time-tested methods for making your big dreams come true