Have you ever used the phrases "What do you say?" or "What's the magic word?" when prompting a child to use a polite word? Did you ever stop to think how many possible answers there could be for that same prompt? Somehow, we expect small children to be able to distinguish which polite word goes with each situation in which the prompt is used. I'm confused just thinking about it.
This book takes common everyday situations when their parent might say "What do you say?" Each time this prompt is used, a conversation bubble appears above the child's head with a list of the possible answers the parent is looking for. The parent and child reading the book can then talk about what they think the correct answer would be. In addition to common polite words, such as please, thank you, excuse me, and sorry, the book touches on Halloween / trick-or-treating and occasions when a child might receive a gift. Like me, I'm sure many of you have been embarrassed when your child is impolite or inconsiderate. My hope is that this book will help that from happening . . . too often.