From Bourbon Street to lockdown, she never could have imagined how 2020 would prove to be one of the most challenging yet inspiring years yet.
The year 2020 was supposed to be the best year of her life. Jennifer Mathis had recently purchased a condo in downtown Chicago with her fiance, Christian. They were getting married on May second and would soon after try to build a family of their own. On March 12, 2020, she boarded a plane to New Orleans for her long-awaited bachelorette party. COVID-19 had been part of the conversation long enough to pack some hand sanitizer but not long enough to think twice on traveling. Within one long weekend, her life would change. Thankfully, Jennifer at least had the foresight to write it down as it was happening. What a Year: A COVID Journal is the authentic account of the roller coaster we call 2020. Through replanning a wedding multiple times, being hit in the face with social injustice, and being inspired to finally chase a dream, 2020 would end up being a catalyst for change and an exercise in gratitude.