This book is the one of a few worldwide interpretations of wellness philosophy aimed at reaching well-being and extending healthy life mainly through a healthy lifestyle.
It defines aims and idea applied in life. The book explains the principles of life consistent with wellness philosophy.
The book gives definitions that cannot be found in common interpretation of wellness. It proves that it is no exaggeration to treat wellness as holistic health because it encompasses many dimensions of life. Detailed descriptions of all dimensions can be found in the book.
The book includes descriptions of:
innovative diet - a lifestyle - that discovers secrets of dieting and causes of obesity, innovative wellness physical activity based on everyday movement activity, psychological aspects: psyche's impact on health and life as well as stress management. + 42 menus & recipesIn addition, you'll learn:
Why is it worth to lead healthy lifestyle?
Chronic Diseases - Diabetes - Obesity (Diabesity)
Health and genetic predispositions
What is Wellness?
Wellness Health
Health Treatment
Wellness Philosophy
Wellness Principles
Dimensions of Life
Wellness Diet- wellness nutrition for life
Wellness Physical Activity + Exercises
Wellness Psychological Aspects
Stress management
Managing situational stress
Motivation - the key to change
Menus and recipes
Glycemic index
The book explains how leading a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of premature deaths and prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity, heart diseases, cancers, strokes.
It also presents how to achieve something more, i.e. how to reach the age of 120 in good health and shape. We may use the fact that, as scientists claim, our organs can live as long as that. We do not reach that age only because our lifestyle is not healthy.
Having read that book, you should define your life philosophy when thinking about your health and lifestyle. You should consider changing your way of thinking as well as adopting the one proposed by wellness philosophy. It will give you a chance of long and healthy life.
After reading the entire book, you can take the online certification exam on our website
After completing it, you will receive a certificate Wellness Health Expert.